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Youth Services 

Our Youth Program is committed to providing high quality services for youth and young adults beginning with career exploration and guidance, support to receive further educational attainment, and skills training for industries and occupations which are in demand within our region. The targeted industry approach helps ensure the future of Arkansas receives pertinent, applicable training in a occupation where jobs are plentiful within the region. Whether you are in or out of school, learn how we can serve you. 


Our program consists of:


  1. Tutoring, study skills training and instruction, and dropout prevention services

  2. Alternative secondary school services or dropout recovery services

  3. Paid and unpaid work experiences

  4. Occupational skill training

  5. Education offered concurrently with workforce preparation activities and training for a specific occupation

  6. Leadership development opportunities

  7. Supportive services

  8. Adult mentoring

  9. Follow up services

  10. Comprehensive guidance and counseling

  11. Financial literacy education

  12. Entrepreneurial skills training

  13. Services that provide labor market and employment information about in-demand industry sectors

  14. Activities that help youth prepare for and transition to post-secondary education and training

Out-of-School Youth Program


The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title IB Youth Program provides services to out-of-school youth ages 16-24. The main thrust of the Youth Program is to increase the focus on career pathways, longer-term academic, and occupational learning opportunities and provide long-term comprehensive service strategies. The Youth Program is designed to prepare Arkansas’ youth to either enter post-secondary education, training, or employment upon completion of their secondary education. The aging of Arkansas’ workforce is an issue of concern and therefore this program can be an instrument toward meeting the future workforce demands.

Program Requirements


To be eligible to receive WIOA services as an out-of-school youth in the youth program, an individual must:

  1. Be no younger than 16 years old

  2. Be no older than 24 years old at the time of enrollment

  3. Be registered for Selective Service or have valid exemption

  4. Be able to work in the United States

  5. Provide a valid Social Security Number​

In order for an out-of-school youth to be eligible, the following requirements must also be met: 


Not attending school at time of enrollment and meets one of the following:


  1. An individual who is not attending any school and who has not received a secondary school diploma or its equivalent

  2. A youth who is within the age of compulsory school attendance, but has not attended school for at least the most recent complete school year calendar quarter session of school

  3. A high school graduate(or equivalent) who is low- income and who is also either basic skills deficient or an English language learner

  4. An offender (or ex-offender)

  5. A homeless individual

  6. A runaway

  7. An individual in foster care or who has aged out of foster care or who has attained 16 years of age and left foster care for kinship guardianship or adoption or a child eligible for assistance under sec. 477 of the Social Security Act or in an out-of-home placement

  8. A pregnant woman or a parenting man or woman (custodial or non-custodial)

  9. An individual with a disability

  10. A low-income individual who requires additional assistance



In-School Youth Program


The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title IB Youth Program provides services to in-school youth ages 14-21. The main thrust of the Youth Program is to increase the focus on career pathways, longer-term academic, and occupational learning opportunities and provide long-term comprehensive service strategies. The Youth Program is designed to prepare Arkansas’ youth to either enter post-secondary education, training, or employment upon completion of their secondary education. The aging of Arkansas’ workforce is an issue of concern and therefore this program can be an instrument toward meeting the future workforce demands.

Program Requirements


To be eligible to receive WIOA services as an in-school youth in the youth program, an individual must:

  1. Be no younger than 14 years old

  2. Be no older than 21 years old at the time of enrollment

  3. Be registered for Selective Service or have valid exemption

  4. Be able to work in the United States

  5. Provide a valid Social Security Number​

In order for an in-school youth to be eligible, the following requirements must also be met: 

  1. Be attending school at time of enrollment. Please note, Adult education, YouthBuild, Job Corps, high school equivalency, and dropout re-engagement  programs do not qualify as "school" for the purposes of  eligibility.

  2. An individual that is low-income.

  3. Meet criteria for low-income adult

  4. Be a runaway

  5. Receives or qualifies to receive free or reduced-price lunch (special rule if 100% of students in school receive free lunches)

  6. Is a foster child

  7. Lives in a high-poverty area

  8. An individual that meets one of the following

  9. Basic skills deficient

  10. An English language learner

  11. An offender (or ex-offender)

  12. A homeless individual

  13. A runaway

  14. An individual in foster care or who has aged out of foster care or who has attained 16 years of age and left foster care for kinship guardianship or adoption or a child eligible for assistance under sec. 477 of the Social Security Act or in an out-of-home placement

  15. A pregnant  woman or a parenting man or woman (custodial or non-custodial)

  16. An individual with a  disability

  17. An individual who requires additional assistance to complete an educational program or to secure or hold employment.



Searcy Workforce Center
501 West Arch Street
Searcy, AR 72143
Phone: (501) 268-6650
Days of Operation: Mon-Fri

WRPDD/Arkansas Workforce Center is an “equal opportunity employer/program.” Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to Individuals with disabilities. Arkansas Relay Service: 1-800-285-1121 (Voice) 1-800-285-1131 (TDD)  Or TDD 711.

© 2017 Northcentral Arkansas WIOA Board

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